

typedef void (*initHookFunction)(initHookState state)

Type for application callback functions.

Application callback functions must match this typdef.

Param state:

initHook enumeration value


enum initHookState

Initialization stages.

The enum states must agree with the names in the initHookName() function. New states may be added in the future if extra facilities get incorporated into the IOC. The numerical value of any state enum may change between EPICS releases; states are not guaranteed to appear in numerical order.

Some states were deprecated when iocPause() and iocRun() were added, but are still provided for backwards compatibility. These deprecated states are announced at the same point they were before, but will not be repeated if the IOC is later paused and restarted.


enumerator initHookAtIocBuild

Start of iocBuild() / iocInit()

enumerator initHookAtBeginning

Database sanity checks passed

enumerator initHookAfterCallbackInit

Callbacks, generalTime & taskwd init

enumerator initHookAfterCaLinkInit

CA links init

enumerator initHookAfterInitDrvSup

Driver support init

enumerator initHookAfterInitRecSup

Record support init

enumerator initHookAfterInitDevSup

Device support init pass 0 (also autosave pass 0)

enumerator initHookAfterInitDatabase

Records and locksets init (also autosave pass 1)

enumerator initHookAfterFinishDevSup

Device support init pass 1

enumerator initHookAfterScanInit

Scan, AS, ProcessNotify init

enumerator initHookAfterInitialProcess

Records with PINI = YES processsed

enumerator initHookAfterCaServerInit

RSRV init

enumerator initHookAfterIocBuilt

End of iocBuild()

enumerator initHookAtIocRun

Start of iocRun()

enumerator initHookAfterDatabaseRunning

Scan tasks and CA links running

enumerator initHookAfterCaServerRunning

RSRV running

enumerator initHookAfterIocRunning

End of iocRun() / iocInit()

enumerator initHookAtIocPause

Start of iocPause()

enumerator initHookAfterCaServerPaused

RSRV paused

enumerator initHookAfterDatabasePaused

CA links and scan tasks paused

enumerator initHookAfterIocPaused

End of iocPause()

enumerator initHookAtShutdown

Start of iocShutdown() (unit tests only)

Since Added

enumerator initHookAfterCloseLinks

Links disabled/deleted.

Since Added

enumerator initHookAfterStopScan

Scan tasks stopped.


7.0.8 Triggered during normal IOC shutdown

Since Added, triggered only by unittest code.

enumerator initHookAfterStopCallback

Callback tasks stopped.

Since Added

enumerator initHookAfterStopLinks

CA links stopped.


7.0.8 Triggered during normal IOC shutdown

Since Added, triggered only by unittest code.

enumerator initHookBeforeFree

Resource cleanup about to happen.

Since Added

enumerator initHookAfterShutdown

End of iocShutdown()

Since Added

enumerator initHookAfterPrepareDatabase

Called during testdbPrepare() Use this hook to repeat actions each time an empty test database is initialized.


7.0.8 Added, triggered only by unittest code.

enumerator initHookBeforeCleanupDatabase

Called during testdbCleanup() Use this hook to perform cleanup each time before a test database is free()’d.


7.0.8 Added, triggered only by unittest code.

enumerator initHookAfterInterruptAccept

Only announced once. Deprecated in favor of initHookAfterDatabaseRunning

enumerator initHookAtEnd

Only announced once. Deprecated in favor of initHookAfterIocRunning


int initHookRegister(initHookFunction func)

Register a function for initHook notifications.

Registers func for initHook notifications


func – Pointer to application’s notification function.


0 if Ok, -1 on error (memory allocation failure).

void initHookAnnounce(initHookState state)

Routine called by iocInit() to trigger notifications.

Calls registered callbacks announcing state


state – initHook enumeration value

const char *initHookName(int state)

Returns printable representation of state.

Static string representation of state for printing


state – enum value of an initHook


Pointer to name string

void initHookFree(void)

Forget all registered application functions.

This cleanup routine is called by unit test programs between IOC runs.